Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Final Performance of Harry Parkyakarkus Einstein (1958)

Visit the Showbiz Archive Here!

Audio of the performance:


  1. He's actually pretty funny there.

  2. Amazing! Absolutely hysterical! And the apples didn't fall far from the tree when you learn that this man has two sons, both of whom are two of the funniest people on this planet -- Albert Brooks and Bob Einstein (aka "Super Dave Osborne"). I do believe that if Harry hadn't died that night, then he would have soon gotten his own national TV show. Desi Arnaz, who you could hear laughing hysterically, would have seen to it. I don't know where or how you got this clip, Kliph, but thank you SO MUCH. I always wanted to hear it.

  3. Thanks, Kliph. Every account of Einstein's death said he killed that night. Nice to finally know that they weren't just being kind.

    Is there a story behind finding this audio?

  4. I think there's no question where this post came from. Albert Brooks always maintained that his father did one of the best sets ever immediately before his death and now he's proven it. I was laughing out loud as hard as the 1958 crowd, this was so funny.

  5. This is REAL comedy. The Comedy Central Roasts that we see today are nothing but cruel and tasteless. Truly talented people don't resort to vulgarity. The Dean Martin roasts were comedy gold!

  6. Thanks for posting the audio clip. I began reading your book this morning, after the UPS guy arrived with it, and saw where you said we'd find the Parkyakarkus audio clip here. Great stuff.

    I'm finding the book riveting. If you'll excuse me now, I'll go back to reading more of it.

  7. By coincidence, Parkyakarkus got a writing credit on a 1939 Robert Benchley short subject called "See Your Doctor"

    Monty Woolley plays the distracted doctor.

  8. The material is nothing special. It's all in the delivery.

    Thank you.

  9. Love this. Had no idea it existed until I read your book. All the stories I've heard and read about him killing at this roast were true.

  10. Is the audio still available? I just reached this portion of the book. I was hoping to hear it. Only the clippings are available right now.

  11. The link for the audio isn't showing for some reason, but it's here:
