Thursday, September 15, 2011

Classic Television Showbiz's Late Late Show: Adventures of Captain Africa (1955)


  1. Actually, the entire reason this serial (one of the last made) even got into production was that the plan was to make a cheapie remake of the studio's 1943 serial of the comic strip "The Phantom." When the rights proved too expensive, they simply changed the costume just enough to look different from the Lee Falk character, but not so much that the old footage couldn't be used for long shots. The minimal new footage was used solely to link material from the old serial and some other jungle pics.

  2. Ben Welden (ne Weinblatt)!Unfortunately, 5 minutes of watching says that this one is too painful to sit through, but I have a huge ego and therefore know that you posted this for me, thank you.
    I ordered the first season of "Superman" (due Thursday), since we have to credit Time-Warner for the alacrity with which they remove YouTube "Superman" posts, but your efforts are greatly appreciated, and now I have a new hobby.
