Thursday, October 25, 2007

Don Knotts Goes Bowling - Video Offline 1/13/08

I can think of few things that go better than Don Knotts and nineteen seventies bowling alleys. This is from the hard to find How to Frame a Figg (1971). This scene features Frank Welker (Freddy on Scoody-Doo) and somebody I thought was Joe Flynn. This is the only movie Don Knotts co-wrote.


  1. Ummm...I love this site and I hate for my first comment to sound negative but, uhhh...Joe Flynn is NOT in that clip. There are two McHales Navy actors that ARE in this clip--Billy Sands as the bowling alley's manager and Bob Hastings as the guy who tries to flush the ball.No sign of Flynn, though. BTW, I've worked with Bob Hastings many times at Nostalgia conventions in the last 2 decades and the man is a consumate professional. Now 81, he played opposite me in an X MINUS ONE re-creation this past April where I played a talking mouse. BTW, Hastings once told me that Flynn was often tipsy on the McHale set!

  2. Not a problem Steve. If something is wrong I need to be corrected, simple as that.

  3. Funny to see Mr. Macho Athlete Freddy's voice coming out of Frank Welker. Thanks for that clip. I've never seen that movie.

