Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Tonight Show with guest host Jerry Lewis and guests Charlie Callas, Patrice Munsel, Mason Williams and George Carlin (1969)


  1. The night Jerry apologized for his "going to the bathroom over Mississippi" joke.

  2. If Google is to be believed, this episode was broadcast in March of 1969: http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2506&dat=19690327&id=zZ5IAAAAIBAJ&sjid=VQsNAAAAIBAJ&pg=2958,6839252

    According to this article, Bill Cosby had to apologize the week before for a joke about Catholics that he made on the Tonight Show:


  3. When we watch George Carlin during this period, he seemed to give no hint whatsoever of the transcendently great epiphanist he became a quarter of a century later. His early death is hands down the worst loss, among great performers, that the country has had to endure in my own lifetime.

  4. Considering the abuse George Carlin gave his body, 71 was actually pretty old.
