Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's that Gene Moss time of year...

I like pullin' out my scratchy copy of Dracula's Greatest Hits this time each year. And I like sending people over to this article I wrote about Gene Moss the same time as well.


  1. THANK YOU!!!

    what a piece of my childhood. I have the LP around someplace too. THis was the first I had heard this song in over 20 years or so and it was like I heard it next week.

    There's also a Drac the Knife too.

    Do you know of a cd thats out there with this album on it?

  2. I believe it IS on CD now, actually. If you click on the hyperlink I have posted the whole LP including Drac the Knife.

  3. Thanks, I actually did some googling after I sent that and found a rapid share file that had the entire album, so I downloaded that.
