Saturday, January 26, 2008

Divorce Hearing (1958)

Potentially, the worst television show ever. I love it! The Christian disclaimer at the start is fascinating, and after watching the program, it seems ridiculous to hold on to the concept that this pair must stay together. I mean, really, who wants to be with a guy who wishes he were Red Skelton!?


  1. A young Edith Massey?

  2. I love how the show turned into The Case for Amicable Divorce.
    According to Wiki, Dr. Paul Popenoe was a fake doctor who advocated compulsory sterilization of the mentally ill. Awesome.

  3. I thought I was the only one who wished he was Red Skelton!

  4. The clip on your blog will no longer play. Do you know where I could find any footage of this show?

  5. The link on your blog will no longer play. Do you know how I can find any footage of this show?
