Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Joe Pyne Show (1967)

Here's a nice solid chunk of The Joe Pyne Show. The program has been showcased on Classic Television Showbiz twice before, and if I had access to more of this footage it would appear as often as possible. Always fascinating, combative and generally reactionary, you gotta hand it to Pyne. He was brave enough to bring on some very articulate people with totally opposing viewpoints and gave them a forum. Although he may have been utterly rude to them - he was generally rude to everyone. Compare this to a Bill O'Reilly today who is rude to a Phil Donahue but polite and complimentary to an Anne Coulter. Or a Glenn Beck who simply would never have anybody as far to the left on his show as Pyne has here.

1 comment:

  1. Intervention is the name of the game when it comes to Joe Pyne...
    for many years, Pyne was a chain-
    smoking, controversial talk show host who was the predecessor to
    great real-life debaters such as
    Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews and
    Rush Limbaugh - the embodiment of
    all radio and television political
    muckrakers and a great American topical decisionmaker.

    I have uploaded some footage from
    The Joe Pyne Show on Classic Television Showbiz, including never
    -before-available-online footage from Pyne's first and only daytime
    game show, Showdown, exclusively at
