Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Tonight Show with guest George Carlin (1962) - Footage Offline - 3/20/09

Apparently this is from the interim between Jack Paar and Johnny Carson when several different guest hosts were at the helm. The guest host on this episode would have been Mort Sahl.

Arnie (1970) - Footage Offline - 12/11/09

A lot of these obscure sitcom rarities come from a YouTube channel called TheSpindles that regularly posts rare sitcom stuff. Check it out here.

The Merv Griffin Show with guest Steve Allen (1974)

The year of broadcast is a total guess. Steve Allen talks about the search for his long lost brother.

Occasional Wife (1966)

Very rare sitcom.

Name That Tune (1955)

If you haven't noticed by now, whenever I'm not sure of the year of something, I just say it's from 1955.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Place the Face with guest Xavier Cugat (1954)

I love Bill Cullen, so it pains me to watch him acting like such an incredibly annoying pest in this stinker. Xavier Cugat makes a nice little dig at the cornball comments Cullen had been making throughout the show saying, "Sounds to me like you're short for time tonight."